About us

Become a supporting leader in adaptation and resilience issues in the agricultural sector before the effects and impacts on the Variability and Climate Change of the country and the region of Central America.

Promote science and technology, support capacity building, facilitate transfer of information knowledge, promote good practices that preserve the environment environment, conduct research on the issues of resilience and adaptation to variability and climate change in agriculture.

Contribute in a new, dynamic, practical and precise way to the improvement of productivity of the agricultural sector and activities related to human well-being, by means of the iso and application of meteorological and climatic information necessary for the taking of decisions.
PIACT service
PIACT is a platform that collects and disseminates weather information and short forecasts, medium and long term of multiple research centers in order to contribute to the optimization of productive activities in Central America.
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These maps contain information on global weather forecasts. They are constantly updated.
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PIACT is a platform that collects and disseminates weather information and short forecasts, medium and long term of multiple research centers in order to contribute to optimization of productive activities in Central America ..
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