About us

Food safety
The strategies proposed by the Central American Integration System (SICA) are followed. For its Agricultural Policies (PACA) and its Strategies as: Regional Strategy of Agro / Environment and Health (ERAS) and the Territorial Rural Development Strategy (ECADERT), as well such as national policies through partnerships with FAO and SAN-CELAC, which seek to implement the 17 sustainable development goals, mainly the first three: End of poverty, Zero hunger to 2025 and Health and welfare of the population.

- Agromatics is a tool based on information and communication technologies. These technologies facilitate timely access and information to politicians, farmers and their families, for decision making that allows resilience to the consequences of Climate change, climate variability and food security.

Slow Food
- Actions are prioritized according to the philosophy of Slow Food, promoting local products, national cuisine base, that are good (with quality), clean (harmless) that not damage human, animal or environmental health and at a fair price, which makes them accessible to population. Biodiversity conservation is promoted through its use and study and identify sustainable food systems, which use clean technologies without harming human, environmental, or animal health.
Earth Market
Slow Food land markets make up a network of producers, artisans, cooks, who respect the philosophy of Slow Food: selling good, clean and fair products. The idea is to have relationships of trust between producers/consumers or what Slow Food calls co-producers (for supporting and knowing the needs from the producers). These markets strengthen local food networks. In the case of Costa Rica, this Market is administered by Funcenat and coordinated by Agromática, Food Safety and the Slow Food Programs.
Agromatics Allied Platforms
- Socio-environmental
- Health
- Agricultural
- Socioeconomic
Added value Certifications
Agri-food routes
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